Sawbuck 5.2
Jessica Bozek // John Bradley // Adam Fieled
Glenn R. Frantz // Pamela Gay // Carol Guess
Sarah Kennedy // George Moore // Philip Byron Oakes
Ken Poyner // Drew Scott Swenhaugen
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Glenn R. Frantz // Pamela Gay // Carol Guess
Sarah Kennedy // George Moore // Philip Byron Oakes
Ken Poyner // Drew Scott Swenhaugen
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My voicemail message says, Hello. You have reached the Lone Survivor.
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I use “and” in public and “&” with my lover, she said.
I use “and” in public and “&” with my lover, she said.
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being-in-the-world, I mean
...being in a damned world...
...being in a damned world...
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You forget your birthday.
Go back 1 year.
Go back 1 year.
Labels: 5.2, summer 2011

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