Sawbuck 1.3

Bruce Covey///MTC Cronin
Julie Doxsee///Jason Fraley///Anne Heide
Melissa Pakalinsky///Terese Svoboda
Bronwen Tate///Chris Tonelli///Jon Woodward

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I had a dream I woke up next to you, then I woke up
Next to you, I woke up at the edge of a wall of pillows...

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What came first,
the egg or the law?

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The ides of September
ghosted me until I flew...

I watch this spot where a bullet
will eventually fall silent...

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An eavesdrop:

............I've seen what they...

Clock, I envy you

The intrigue of your entire purpose...

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His back-of-the-envelope
doodles scare guards...

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Walking in the dark brings me to transformations. Various phrases start up in my mind but don’t demand to be completed. He thought she said “ambition is the eyes and legs of emotion...

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When you see
shadows of pigeons,

don't look up
for obvious reasons...

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So “tag cloud” only means “tag cloud”
I thought it meant something else...

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past issues: 1.2 / 1.1

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